Self-Assessment and Reflection Continuum

Visionary Leadership


The effective 21st  Century school leader utilizes data to make informed decisions and works with the shared leadership team to develop a purposeful plan for sustainable growth

(ISLLC-1B,1C,1D,1E, 2I, 4A, 6C)


Analyze and communicate to all stakeholders the link between the data and the developed school goals

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Use data in conversations with parents about student performance and programing

Use data to monitor the outcomes of school improvement plans and guide the continuous school improvement process and shares results with all stakeholders

Engage and utilize stakeholder input as well as use data to develop a comprehensive vision in transformation of the educational environment

Analyze and communicate data to stakeholders

Regularly monitor, evaluate, and revise the vision, mission, and implementation plans

Systematically collect, analyze, and use data regarding the school’s progress toward attaining strategic goals and objectives


Share leadership with others to build capacity and collective ownership within the school environment

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Build parent and community partnerships and facilitate ways to support learning

Build leadership capacity in teachers, students, parents, and community members

Share leadership with others to build capacity and collective ownership within the school environment

Use communication skills with integrity to build trust among stakeholders

Create opportunities for staff   to demonstrate leadership skills by allowing them to assume leadership and decision-making roles



Ensure the strategic plan utilizes clearly articulated objectives and strategies

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Build capacity to examine student data and make sense of it

Use data to move beyond problem identification to problem solving then create strategies to deal with academic concerns

Engage staff in implementation of research based strategies for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Monitor and evaluate program effectiveness

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Use data to monitor the outcomes of school improvement plans and guide the continuous school improvement process

Use formative assessments of student progress at regular intervals throughout the year

Improve classroom teaching by setting clear expectations by monitoring, observing, coaching, and evaluating faculty and staff



Enrich curricula to accelerate learning for all students through differentiation


Conduct needs assessments for professional development

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Create a tool to collect data on the needs of the staff, students, and community

Obtain needed resources to support the needs of all stakeholders

Make provision for professional development, financial management, and technology use and integration into the curricular and administrative management activities consistent with the articulated vision

Use effective staff development and improvement strategies




Use innovative systems in the implementation of change

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Build and model a collaborative culture that promotes and supports the change process

Restructure the facility design, optimizes human resources, and build a culture to implement 21st Century skills and strategies

Use the change process to maximize the use of human, fiscal, and technological resources promoting high student achievement through a safe, risk-free learning environment


The effective 21st Century school leader aligns the curriculum, instruction, and assessment practices to the school’s vision and mission

(ISLLC-1A, 2B)


Inspire teachers to use rigorous innovative research based classroom practices

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Provide a safe and healthy environment for collaboration

Build and model a collaborative culture that both promotes and supports a risk free environment

Engage staff in implementation of research based strategies for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


Create and communicate a vision focused on the elements of curriculum, instruction and assessment that makes higher achievement possible and a focused mission to improve student achievement

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Use stakeholders to help develop the vision of the school

Communicate regularly and routinely with members of the school faculty, student and parent groups, local civic and business leaders, and other appropriate community members

Articulate the vision of the school with student and parent groups, local civic, business leaders, and other appropriate community members, soliciting input and involving them in refining and implementing the vision

Recognize and celebrate the contributions of school community members to the continuing progress toward the vision


Model the core beliefs of the vision in public. Use the vision to garner resources from the community to support the shared vision

Assure that progress toward the vision and mission is communicated to all stakeholders




The effective 21st Century school leader inspires and communicates a shared vision to support collaborative leadership

(ISLLC-1A, 2F, 3D)


Develop model of shared leadership in which others assume responsibilities that have traditionally been assigned to the administrator

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Build leadership capacity in teachers, students, parents, and community members

Build parent and community partnerships and facilitates ways to support leadership

Build and model a collaborative culture that promotes and supports leadership opportunities for all stakeholders

Provide a safe and healthy environment for collaboration

Utilize skills and practice the use of strong leadership in the school environment



The effective 21st Century school leader creates, promotes, and sustains a dynamic, digital-age learning culture

(ISLLC-2H, 6C)


Model and provide necessary support to ensure the use of digital age tools to enrich the instructional learning for all students

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Reflect on current practices and interventions to determine opportunities to increase student engagement with digital tools

Relate what the "Essential Conditions" are and use them to evaluate classrooms or school readiness for implementation of the 21st century skills from a digital

Articulate the value of the NETS-A as a vehicle for a shift in teaching, leading, and advocating a digital learning environment

Identify and reflect on how the Essential Conditions are necessary to the effective implementation of digital tools

Identify opportunities for technology-rich enhancements to increase student engagement

Use innovative technology tools and resources reflecting learning across various mediums and locations to include:

  • Video Teleconference (VTC)
  • Virtual Labs
  • Virtual Classes
  • Online Classes
  • Independent Study

Know and understand the National Educational Technology standards


Teach administrators how to use the digital tools and resources to include:

  • Tablets
  • MP3 players
  • SMART technologies
  • Productivity Software (DoDEA Approved Standard Software)
  • Web Based Tools

Know and understand digital citizenship




Lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals and communicate through appropriate technology and media-rich resources

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Reflect on current practices and interventions to determine opportunities to increase student engagement with digital tools

Determine mechanisms to meet the challenges of a digital age learning environment regarding ethics, safety, and citizenship

Model and provide opportunities for students and staff to use digital age tools to enrich the instructional learning for all students

Model digital tools to support teaching, learning, and leading

Model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning

Lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals and communicate through appropriate technology and media-rich resources


The effective 21st Century school leader creates a risk taking school climate and culture

(ISLLC-2A, 2C)


Apply knowledge and understanding of school culture

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Design school culture that is rich in collaboration and supportive of new innovations

Demonstrate belief in and commitment to a safe and supportive learning environment

Create a learning environment within the school and community while maximizing real-world learning opportunities


Embrace a collaborative, innovative and creative environment for all stakeholders



Demonstrate belief in and commitment to a safe and supportive learning environment

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Design an environment that extends opportunities and fosters innovative thinking

Design and apply strategies which support open opportunities for students, parents, and staff

Implement a school-wide learning environment that supports teaching and learning of 21st Century skill outcomes (Wagner’s Seven Survival Skills)

Use the change process to maximize the use of human, fiscal, and technological resources promoting high student achievement through a safe, risk-free learning environment




Promote and encourage innovation and creativity in teacher practice

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Create an environment where teachers can explore new and innovative learning opportunities

Encourage and support staff members in the use of innovative learning opportunities

Empower teachers and students to optimize purposeful and intentional use of facilities, and technology to support project/problem-based, interdisciplinary, cooperative learning, creativity and innovative learning


Interpret disappointments in ways that help school staff to see them as a learning opportunity

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Lead staff to evaluate and discover different ways to revise to create a solution

Use data to create a solution which turns disappointment into success

Lead staff in collective inquiry and learning to resolve issue to turn a negative into a positive situation



Encourage staff to take risks by reflecting and refining practices


Celebrate success and recognize accomplishments

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

The administrator will:

Establish informal sharing of success and acknowledgment  of accomplishments

Provide opportunities for staff and students to share learning experiences with other staff

Develop a  consistent formal structure to share learning success and accomplishments via social media that is easily accessed by all stakeholders


Create opportunities for staff and students to share success and accomplishments in all areas


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