DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 31

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Teachers' Role
The teacher fosters positive relations with and between students and develops shared
expectations for learning and interacting. The teacher stimulates interest and curiosity,
promotes questioning and connects learning to real-world experiences. The teacher
structures tasks, elicits students' prior knowledge and supports students to make
connections to past learning experiences. The teacher presents a clear purpose for
learning, determining challenging learning goals and making assessment and
performance requirements clear. The teacher assists students to consider and identify
processes that will support the achievement of specific learning goals.
During the Explore stage, students
will be involved in a variety of
experiences. These experiences
may involve observing events or
objects, manipulating materials,
working with simulations, examining
representations, viewing a short
video, or reading.
These experiences provide a
common basis for all students that
the teacher can use to assist
students in identifying and developing concepts and skills.
Teacher's Role
The teacher presents challenging
tasks to support each student in
generating and investigating
questions, gathering relevant
information and developing ideas.
The teacher provides tools,
resources, and procedures that will
guide students as they organize
information and ideas. The teacher
identifies students' conceptions and
challenges misconceptions. The
teacher assists students in expanding
their perspectives and reflecting on their learning. The teacher is mindful of the learning
requirements of the task, attentive to student responses and intervenes accordingly.
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