DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 28

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Looks Like
Students working in
collaborative small group
Flexible groups that change
Students accessing resources
other than the teacher
Teacher as facilitator
Students using a variety of
technology to facilitate their
Students sitting in
Technology stations throughout the room
Every student engaged
Sounds Like
Students discussing, debating, and questioning
Teacher talking with small groups
Students leading self-directed small group activities
Students talking to a partner
Student Centered Instruction Strategies
Inquiry-Based Learning
Inquiry is a dynamic process of being
open to wonder and puzzlement and
coming to know and understand the
world. Inquiry is based on the belief
that understanding is constructed in
the process of people working and
conversing together as they pose and
solve the problems; make discoveries
and rigorously testing the discoveries
that arise in the course of shared
Inquiry is a study into a worthy
question, issue, problem or idea. It is the authentic, real work that that someone in the
community might tackle. It is the type of work that those working in the disciplines
actually undertake to create or build knowledge. Therefore, inquiry involves serious
engagement and investigation and the active creation and testing of new knowledge
(Wells, G., 2001).
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