DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 29

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Inquiry-Based Instruction is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring
the natural, empirical, and material world, which leads to asking many questions,
making discoveries, and rigorously testing them in the search for new understanding
(Chambers, C., 2002).
In the video below, Professor Jo Boaler works with secondary school students in the
InQbate at the University of Sussex using Inquiry-Based Learning methods for
mathematics. Watch the video to see inquiry-based learning in action with student.
Source: Jo Boaler - Enquiry Based Learning for Mathematics uploaded on
by Kelly Burks
Student learning is addressed through the following:
Student involvement in real-life problems and scenarios in flexible groups
Student utilizing a wide-variety of research and resources
Engaging in student-centered instruction
Integrating STEM
Teacher use of higher level relevant questions for application and synthesis
Teacher roles evolve from teacher-centered to student-centered to include
facilitation, student mentoring, and differentiating instruction for individual
5E Instructional Model
The 5E Instructional Model is not a recipe for teacher practice but rather a framework to
inform conversations and guide the observation, critique and reflection of classroom
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