21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
practice. There are many different ways that teachers can vary in their approach and
their behavior and still be highly effective in the classroom.
All teachers use their professional judgment to adapt their practice to the specific
context in which they work and to the particular cohort of students they teach.
However, within this zone of discretion there are common practices required as a
professional knowledge base for teachers to improve their practice of the 5 E model.
The video below provides the basics of the 5E model to develop that professional
Source: 5E Lesson Model for Teaching Inquiry Science uploaded o
by BioED Online
During the Engage stage, the
teacher assesses previous
knowledge of students and helps
them become engaged in a
new concept through the use of
short activities that promote
curiosity and elicit prior
knowledge. The goal is to
organize students' thinking
toward the learning outcomes of
the new concept.