Do you need customized graphics that will make an impression? Let us spark innovation into your graphics that will enhance your desired learning outcomes!
Customized Graphics
Navigate through the image glider below to see a few samples of customized graphics created by the Instructional Design Services branch. Select each image in the center of the screen to access the PDF version. The image will open in a new window browser for you to download.
Instructional Design Services – Transform Your Professional Development and Training
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator to promote the products and services the IDS can provide to other divisions in the Education Directorate at DoDEA HQ.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator to promote the products and services the IDS can provide to other divisions in the Education Directorate at DoDEA HQ.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the DoDEA Professional Learning Guidance provided by the Teaching and Learning Division.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS).
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS).
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Publisher for NDSP.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the Annual Leadership Symposium.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the Annual Leadership Symposium.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the DoDEA Comprehensive Assessment System.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS).
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the Worldwide CCRS Assessment Summit.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the Teaching and Learning Division.
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for the Instructional Design Services branch.