Copyright © 2014 by CTB/McGraw-Hill LLC
When you check this...
look for this:
PROGRAM (labeled AA in
CAT Plus)
(labeled BB in CAT Plus)
Program (labeled AA in CAT Plus)
IEP—Fill in this circle if the student has an Individualized
Education Program.
504—Fill in this circle if the student has a Section 504 Plan.
LEP/ELL—Fill in this circle if the student is classified as having
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) or as an English Language
Learner (ELL) or similar classification.
Testing Accommodations (labeled BB in CAT Plus)
In this section, the three horizontal rows correspond to the three
categories of accommodations (Categories 1, 2, and 3). The column
headings refer to the content area tests for which accommodations
might be used. You may use a different category of accommodations
for each column heading as appropriate. For example, you may use a
Category 2 accommodation for Reading (R), but a Category 1
accommodation for Mathematics (MA).
The column headings represent the following:
R Reading
MA Mathematics
SC Science
Social Studies
—Do not use this column. (This column will not
appear on Grade 3 forms.)
Important: If more than one category of accommodations
is used for a content area, fill in the highest category used.
(Category 3 is the highest.) Fill in only one category circle in
each content area column. If Categories 1, 2 and 3 are all filled
in, Category 3 will be reported.
Student-Identifying Information
Check the student-identifying information on all answer documents. Student-identifying information is
located on the inside front cover and back cover of the student books and the front cover of the answer
sheets. Review the data for accuracy and check all handwritten entries for legibility. All marks should
be solid and dark. No more than one bubble should be marked in each column. Incorrect or incomplete
information will result in inaccurate student data and will have a negative impact on the final reports.
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