Org an i z e Yo u r Wo rk S pac e : S c hoo l & Home
robinimages, iStock/thinkstock
DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)
Have Appropriate Storage:
Be it bookshelves, desk drawers or plastic milk crates, it is important
that you have an area to keep your school materials organized. Make
sure you have an area where you can keep your notebooks and other
important coursework safe from destruction.
Notebook or Paper:
Having someplace to write
what you are trying to re-
member is necessary.
Have a place to do your homework:
Finding a
quiet place
free from distraction for you to do your homework is
important. Nothing fancy is needed! Your work area should be free
from a lot of noise, traffic and other interruptions where you can concen-
trate on your work.
Ask a parent
to help you with this if you find this