There are three stages to taking notes:
a lesson.
each lesson, you need to do the following:
1. Rewrite your notes to make them more complete and clear. This will help you remember what you are
learning and provides you time to complete any missing material that you forgot to jot down. It may also
jog your memory for outstanding questions that you might have for you to go back into your lesson to find
the answer.
2. Remove the question marks (?’s) you had by writing down the answers that you got from your teacher.
each lesson, you need to do the following:
1. Focus on your lessons without distraction. This means that there should be nothing competing with your
class work (dog, sister, TV, phone, music, video games, etc.).
2. Write important information down in your notebook. Each time you write something, you are more likely
to remember the point.
3. Place a question mark (?) next to anything in your notebook that does not seem to make sense. You can
then ask someone for help, most likely your teacher!
each lesson, you should do the following:
1. Make sure that you
the notes from the previous lesson. This will help you prepare for the new infor-
mation that you are about to learn.
2. You should
complete all assigned readings
and activities before moving on to the next lesson. This is the
only way to build on the information as it is being taught.
3. You should
be prepared
with the materials that you need - pens, pencils, paper/notebook.
Improve Study Skills
Strategy: note-taking
DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)
Lesia_G. iStock/thinkstock.com