Summary is Above Standard = 5
Summary demonstrates a strong focus and concisely
catches the main points
The main idea is clear, sustained and there is use of
supporting details
Length of summary is appropriate
Is in correct paragraph form
Organization of summary is logical
There is a well-linked beginning, middle and end
Excellent use of transitions within summary
Voice is objective and impartially presents an
appropriate point of view.
Vocabulary is appropriate for intended audience
Exceptional use of sentence variety
Writing is free of conventional spelling and
mechanical errors
Improve Writing Skills
Strategy: Summary Writing
Rubric Checklist
Summary is At Standard = 4
Clear main idea & sufficient and relevant
supporting details within summary gives reader
adequate understanding
Is written in sentence and paragraph form
Overall organization of summary demonstrates a
strong beginning, middle and ending.
Clear use of transitions
Voice is objective an personal opinion is appropriate
Vocabulary is appropriate to the purpose of
the writing
Effective use of some sentence variety
Writing has been well edited
Occasional spelling & mechanical errors do not
distract the reader
Summary is Developing = 3
Main idea presented in summary is evident but
supporting details only minimally supportive
Some paragraphing in summary
Summary is too long OR too short to be effective
Distinguishable beginning, middle and end
Use of transitions is attempted within
written summary
Writer's voice is evident and summary reflects the
writer's opinion
Many errors in spelling and mechanics that distract
the reader
Summary is Below Standard = 1
Supporting details are weak and it is not clear what
idea they are supporting
Summary not completed in sentence and
paragraph form
No use of transitions within written summary
No distinguishable voice
Vocabulary is simple but sufficient to convey
basic ideas
Writing has not been edited & contains many spelling
& mechanical errors
One Mission, One Vision, One School
DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)
A rubric may be used for any assignment such as discussion boards, projects, papers, labs, or presenta-
tions. Rubrics set guidelines that your teacher can use to score your work. Rubrics show you where and how
you will earn points and helps you understand the expectations of an assignment.
The rubrics shown here describe how your teacher may evaluate a
Summary Writing
. If you understand
the “
Above Standard
” criteria, you will be well on your way to achieving the highest possible score on a
summary assignment and in understanding of how to interpret and describe what you have read.