DoDEA Virtual High
Research theories have identified the different ways in which people learn. Some learners preference
is through listening, while others may feel they learn best by reading or looking at pictures. This is called
Learning Styles
Learning Modalities
There have been questions raised as to the value of identifying one’s learning styles and the jury is
still out on this topic. However, what has been shown as helpful is the “process of thinking about one’s
thinking” what is called
. Having the learner use the process of metacognition to think
about how they learn best and what learning preferences or strategies are most beneficial to them can
help them improve their learning success (Chick, 2016).
Knowing your preferred learning style may help you decide on which study methods might work
best for you to maximize your learning goals. Take a few minutes to learn more about learning styles by
visiting the sites below and take the online questionnaires to learn about your learning preferences
[NOTE: Please do not enter your name or any other personally identifiable information on a question-
naire .
One popular learning style model is
VARK Modalities (V
inesthetic) by
Neil Fleming and the
VARK Questionnaire ( V isual, A ural, R ead/Write, K inesthetic) .
Learning Styles and the Online Environment to learn about a variety of Learning Style models
and to access additional online questionnaires.
The Institute for Learning Styles Research has an
Overview of the Seven Perceptual Styles .King, L. after Howard Gardner’s Model of Multiple Intelligences and the Seven Perceptual Styles
Learning Styles