DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)
moodboard, moodboard/thinkstock
Read this booklet and refer to it often to help
you acquire the reading and critical thinking
skills that are necessary for understanding
challenging new material, analyzing that material
to deduce meaning, and applying what you learn.
Learn how to use critical terms and vocabulary as
tools for learning, understanding, and
P u r p o s e
buchachon, iStock/thinkstock
Becoming a Successful learner
Successful learners possess certain qualities and habits that help them thrive in an online environment.
Often they are self-aware, self-disciplined, independent, self-starters that do not rely on the presence of a
traditional teacher in a classroom. Ultimately, it is up to the learner to make certain that they are learning
the required course material, whether in the traditional classroom or in an online course.
This guide presents a number of study and planning methods to help you with your studies. Dedicate
some time now to learn how you can succeed in your online course. Regardless of where or what you are
learning, success takes effort and determination. What are some attributes and skills that are needed for
your success? Besides effort and determination, you must also possess:
A positive attitude—
This means that you believe in yourself and you have the belief that you are capa-
ble of learning.
This means that you are willing to
discipline yourself to do your schoolwork in an effi-
cient and satisfactory manner rather than relying on
somebody else to motivate you or offer you incen-
tives (treats) in order for you to complete your les-
Awareness to know when to get help—
teachers are available to help you no matter the question. They are a great source of information, not
only in your courses but in other areas too. Always remember that there is no such thing as a “dumb”
Learning takes time and concentration. Of course, there are going to be times when you
would rather be doing something “fun” instead of doing your schoolwork. However, if you are going to
succeed, you need to devote the time to your education that it needs and deserves. Pro athletes do not
become overnight phenomena. It takes years of practice and attention to every detail of their lives to
sculpt their bodies and hone their talents so they can attain the aspirations of their hopes and dreams,
that of being a professional athlete.