Shinkansen (新幹線)
Shinkansen – Bullet Train
The Shinkansen しんかんせん(新幹線) is a high-speed rail system that serves as the core of Japan's rail transportation network. It is considered as one of the fastest trains in the world. Each regional line has its own name. For example, there is the Tokaido とうかいどう(東海道)and Tohoku とうほく(東北)Lines. Each type of train within these regional lines is also identified by a name. For example, there are the Nozomi のぞみ and Hikari ひかり lines. The shinkansen lines are also considered among the safest trains in the world. In the first 40 years since it opened, the Shinkansen network carried over 6 billion passengers without a single major accident. The Shinkansen network boasts not only high speed trains (up to 300 kilometers per hour), but also a high frequency of trains running and options for going to all the major cities in Japan quickly. For example, at least six trains per HOUR operate between Tokyo 東京 and Osaka 大阪 Stations during daytime hours. Although the phrase “bullet train” is popular overseas, in Japan you will only see Shinkansen on the English signs to designate these high-speed trains. But no matter what you call it, the Shinkansen is the best way to travel between major cities in Japan. The Shinkansen network can be the key to comfortable and speedy travel throughout Japan.
Watch the presentation to learn how to talk about taking a trip. Pay attention because there are a lot of new words. Write down the new words in your notebook when you see them.
Vocabulary Review
Now that you have seen the presentation on traveling on an airplane, you should have a list of words that are new to you. Do you? If you do not, make sure you review all the vocabulary so far in this unit, and more new vocabulary to come.
Look at the list below. These are some of the new words that will be part of the focus of this unit. Be sure to learn them. If there were additional words you did not know or remember, you may want to let your teacher know or look them up and spend time working with them also.
Click each link to see the answer.
けいかくします。(計画します。) | to plan |
りょこうだいりてん(旅行代理店) | the travel agency |
こうくうけん(航空券)/ ひこうきのきっぷ(飛行機の切符) | an airplane ticket |
スーツケースにつめます。(スーツケースに詰めます。) | to pack the suitcase |
スーツケース | suitcase |
にもつ(荷物) | luggage |
びん(便) | the flight |
チケット・カウンター | the ticket counter |
きっぷ(切符) | the ticket |
にもつを あずけます(荷物を 預けます) | I check-in my bags |
きないもちこみのにもつ(機内持ち込みの荷物) | carry-on bag |
けんさ(検査) | security |
~のあいだ(~の間) | while |
しらべます。(調べます。) | to verify/to check |
しゅっぱつ・とうちゃくあんない(出発・到着案内) | the flight arrivals/departures schedule announcement |
ゲート | the gate |
ひこうきにのりおくれる(飛行機に乗り遅れる) | to miss the flight |
のります。(乗ります) | to board |
とうじょうけん(搭乗券) | boarding pass |
りりくします(離陸します) | take-off |
しめます(締めます。) | to fasten to yourself |
シートベルト | the seatbelt |
まどぎわのせき(窓際の席) | window seat |
つうろがわのせき(通路側の席) | aisle seat |
ちゃくりくします(着陸します) | lands |
にもつを とります。(荷物を取ります。) | get your bags |
ぜいかん(税関) | customs |
Click Vocabulary Practice or click Begin below.
Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.
Katakana Words カタカナのことば (カタカナの言葉)
We have learned many new Katakana words. In this Unit, we are going to learn more Katakana words. Do you remember the others we learned? Here are a few more.
ドキドキ |
The way the heart is beating with joy, anxiety. |
ワクワク |
The way the heart is beating with excitement. |
ションボリ |
The way someone is disappointed. |
ホカホカ |
Steaming hot |
コチコチ |
Hard as rock |
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section1, Part B.