Culture Grammar: Cheer Your Team!

After learning how to talk about sports and other activities, you might want to cheer for your own team in Japanese. Here are some expressions which might be used in those situations. Make a cheer for your own school mascot (or favorite team).

Click each Play button to hear the answer.

Go for it!
Go, Giants!


Practice Activity Writing Practice

In preparation for the unit test, study the following items. If you have trouble with any areas, be sure to go back to that area and brush up before you take the assessments.

Ask someone if they want to go to a movie with you.

いっしょに えいがに いきませんか。

Answer that you would (as if you are the other person).


Say that you play soccer every day.

私は まいにち サッカーを します。

Say that you surf the net every night.

私は まいばん インターネットを します。

Say that you have a bat and glove.

私は バットと グローブが あります。

Say that Yamamoto san can play baseball.

山本さんは やきゅうが できます。

Ask if your friend can play with you.

いっしょに しませんか。

Say that you are good at playing tennis.

私は テニスを するのが じょうずです。

Say that Kawata san likes playing piano.

川田さんは ピアノを ひくのが 好きです。

Say that you always study after school.

私は いつも ほうかご べんきょうします。

Say that your school basketball team plays well.

私の 学校は バスケットボールが つよいです。

Say that Tanaka san is a good player.

田中さんは いい せんしゅです。

Say that you are sorry, but you have plans already.

すみませんが、ちょっと ようじが あるんです。

Say that you are sorry but you are busy now.

すみませんが、今 いそがしいんです。

Say that of course you want to play tennis.


Say how often you talk with your friends on the phone.

私は まいにち ともだちと でんわではなします。

Say that you like sports.

私は スポーツが 好きです。

Say that you like to walk the dog.

私は いぬの さんぽを するのが 好きです。

Say that you are on a volleyball team.

私は バレーボールの チームに います。

Say that there are 15 players on your team.

私の チームに せんしゅが 十五人 います。


Practice Activity Writing Practice 1

As we begin to wind down the unit, let's see how we are doing. Answer the following questions in complete sentences in Japanese and then click each sentence to see a sample correct answer. Your answers may vary somewhat. If you have problems with some of these, you will want to go back through the unit to find that section to get some additional practice.

1. いつ およぎますか。
2. やきゅうを します。何が いりますか。
3. だれが ゴルフが じょうずですか。
4. 好きな スポーツは 何ですか。
5. いっしょに テニスを しませんか。
6. いっしょに えいがに いきませんか。
7. よく サッカーを しますか。
8. いつ べんきょうしますか。
9. いつ ともだちに でんわを しますか。
10. おとうさんは サッカーが じょうずですか。
11. バレーボールの チームに せんしゅが 何人 いますか。
12. 学校に アメリカン・フットボールの チームが ありますか。
13. よく しあいに かちますか。


activity Vocabulary Practice

Click Vocabulary Practice to practice your vocabulary or click the Vocabulary Practice button below.

Vocabulary Practice

You may download a print version of this activity Vocabulary Practice PDF.

Listening Activity Listening Practice

Click the Play button to listen to each recording and determine what is being said. You may want to listen more than one time. After you listen to the recording, answer the questions that follow each recording. Click each question to see the correct answer.

1. 何ねん生ですか。
2. 今 何月ですか。
3. まいにち 何を しますか。


1. どんな スポーツが 好きですか
2. どこで しますか。
3. いつ しあいが ありますか。


1. だれが サッカーの せんしゅですか。
2. その人は サッカーが じょうずですか。
3. その人の 学校は 何が つよいですか。
4. だれが しあいに いきますか。


Writing Practice Writing Practice 2

Niw that you have practiced the sentences below, see if you can say and write each sentence. Click each sentence to see the Japanese translation.

Ask someone if they want to go to a movie with you.
Answer that you would (as if you are the other person).
Say that you play soccer every day.
Say that you surf the net every night.
Say that you have a bat and glove.
Say that Yamamoto san can play baseball.
Ask if your friend can play with you.
Say that you are good at playing tennis.
Say that Kawata san likes playing piano.
Say that you always study after school.
Say that your school basketball team plays well.
Say that Tanaka san is a good player.
Say that you are sorry, but you have plans already.
Say that you are sorry but you are busy now.
Say that of course you want to play tennis.
Say how often you talk with your friends on the phone.
Say that you like sports.
Say that you like to walk the dog.
Say that you are on a volleyball team.
Say that there are 15 players on your team.


Culture High School Baseball Tournament at こうしえん
Koshien - baseball field

こうしえん is a baseball stadium in Hyogo Prefecture where national high school baseball tournament is held in spring and summer every year. Let’s take a look at some pictures to see how people in Japan cheer for the baseball game.

Clic k here to learn more about Koshein Stadium.

Summer Koshien 2009 Final,百楽兎  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

In the United States, cheerleaders are part of school life. Here are some vocabulary words you might like to use to talk about the activity and those who participate.

チアリーダー a cheerleader
おうえんする to cheer
おうえんだん cheering squad
とぶ to jump
大きい こえを だす to yell (lit. to make a loud voice)
ユニフォーム uniform

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 3 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 3, Part B.

Go to Part C