icong for a game Review Activity: てForm of Verbs

Click Form of Verbs OR click Begin below to review form of verbs.

Here is a print version of this actvity. You will still need to use the online version to hear any audio.

key concept Another てForm Expression: Making Requests

Theform followed by ください expresses requests, “Please do ….” Rewrite the following sentence to express requests. Click each sentence to view the correct sentences.

やさいを 食べる
水を 飲む
しおを とる
お金を はらう
おべんとうを もってくる
さとうを いれる
しょうゆを かける

Writing Practice Writing Practice

Let’s practice in this activity where you answer these questions using cues given. まる, ○, is はい and ばつ, ×, is いいえ. Click each question to see the answer.

おなかが すいていますか。○
のどが かわいていますか。×
コーヒーが ありますか。○
何を ちゅうもんしますか。(さかな)
ぎゅうにゅうが ありますか。×
昼ごはんは 何を 食べますか。(おべんとう)
どの レストランに よく いきますか。(すしはな)

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 2 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 2, Part C.


Go on to Part D