げつようびに なにを しますか。Listen. What Do You Do on Monday?
When you want to say that “On Monday…,” you have to use a little word, called a particle, after the day of the week in Japanese. That little word is “に.” See if you can accurately say the following. Click each link to see if you are correct.
On Tuesday かようびに
On Wednesday すいようびに
On Thursday もくようびに
On Friday きんようびに
On Saturday どようびに
On Sunday にちようびに
Writing Practice
Let's see if you can answer these questions, responding to whether or not you do certain activities on certain days of the week.
Answer the questions in written form and then click each link to see if you are correct.
1. げつようびに てにすを しますか。 はい、します。
2. どようびに はしりますか。 はい、はしります。
3. にちようびに べんきょうしますか。 いいえ、しません。
4. かようびに てれびを みますか。 はい、みます。
If you are not completely certain about the constructions, simply pay close attention to how the items have been written.
Making a sentence negative is very easy: ます becomes ません. Practice saying each of the above answers that you gave in negative just for fun.
- します しません
- はしります はしりません
- べんきょうします べんきょうしません
- みます > みません
Let's Get Moving TPR Presentation
View the presentation and then you need to do the activities that you are asked to do physically. You may remember that as a small child, you learned actions when you learned the words to many songs. Perhaps you never realized the importance of that activity.
When you learn actions as you learn vocabulary, you tend to remember the vocabulary much better than if you simply learn the words. So, come on…. View, and then do. This will be an excellent place to return to warm-up for future times.
Please pay special attention to this presentation as you will have an assignment inn this section that covers this material.
You may download a print version of this activity. You will still need to use the online version to hear the words.
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 classroom folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part F.