
The goal of Module 1 is for students to demonstrate health literacy skills that lead to improved personal, family, and community health. The essential understanding of this module is to demonstrate health literacy skills and concepts that lead to personal, family and community health.

The guiding questions are:

  1. Why is the ability to access valid health information a critical skill and where can I access accurate information?
  2. What skills or understandings could be used to improve a person’s health and that of the community where they live?

Unit Objectives

After you have completed this module, you will be able to:

  1. Access information about public and private health agencies and analyze the role of each in public health.
  2. Explain the contribution of some private foundations in improving health.
  3. Explain the validity of health information, products, and services.
  4. Explain the role of various health care providers and evaluate their effectiveness in maintaining individual health.


Module 1 addresses the following Standards for Personal and Community Health:

  1. Evaluate health practices that reduce the risk of health problems during adulthood.
  2. Determine the interrelationship of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, and environmental health.
  3. Analyze how family, peers, and community influence the health of the individual.
  4. Evaluate the impact of technology on personal, family, and community health.
  5. Evaluate claims made by promoters of health-related products and services.
  6. Investigate environmental health risks in the community.

Health Literacy Skills

Module 1 addresses the following Health Literacy Skills:

  1. Accessing valid health information.
  2. Analyzing influences on health.
  3. Advocating for health.