1342.12 Companion
July 12, 2017
Page 78
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
DoDM 1342.12E4 S10, p 36-37
A student with a disability shall not be removed from education in an age-appropriate general education
classroom solely because of needed accommodations and/or modifications in general education.
If the IEP Team determines that the student can be educated satisfactorily in the general education
classroom, that placement is the LRE for that student.
The CSC shall determine the educational LRE of a student with a disability.
The educational LRE decision for a student with a disability shall be:
Determined at least annually.
Made in conformity with the student’s IEP.
Made in conformity with the requirements of IDEA and DoDM 1342.12 as follows:
A student with a disability shall be educated, to the maximum extent
appropriate, with students who are not disabled.
A student with a disability shall not be removed from education in age-
appropriate general education classrooms solely because of needed
modifications in the general education classroom.
As appropriate, the CSC shall make provisions for supplementary services to be
provided in conjunction with general education placement.
Special classes, separate schooling, or other removal of a student with a
disability from the general education environment shall occur only when the
nature or severity of the disability is such that education in general education
classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved
In providing or arranging for the provision of non-academic and extracurricular
services and activities, including meals, recess periods, assemblies, and study
trips, the CSC shall ensure that a student with a disability participates with non-
disabled students in those services and activities to the maximum extent
appropriate to the needs of that student.
In determining the LRE for an individual student, the CSC shall (DoDM 1342.E4 S10, p. 36,37):
Consider the needs of the individual student as well as any potential harmful effect on
the student or the quality of services that he or she needs.
Make a continuum of placement options available to meet the needs of students with
disabilities for special education and related services. The options on this continuum
include the general education classroom, special classes (a self-contained classroom in
the school), home bound instruction, or instruction in hospitals or institutions.
When special schools and institutions may be appropriate, the CSC shall consider such
placement options in coordination with the Headquarters-related services Education for
Students with Disabilities Office.
In the case of a disciplinary placement, school officials shall follow the procedures set forth in
the DoDM, Encl. 4, S. 12 and discussed i
n Chapter 12of this companion