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1342.12 Companion
July 12, 2017
Page 61
Re-evaluation For Eligibility – (Triennial Re-evaluation)
DoDM 1342.12E4 S17c p45
IDEA requires that a student with a disability be reevaluated every three years or more frequently, if
conditions warrant, determining if the student continues to have a disability and continues to require
special education and related services. The emphasis of the reevaluation is to measure the
effectiveness of services and to determine future programming needs. The reevaluation is an
opportunity to critically examine the effectiveness of the student’s individual education program and
current educational environment. It also affords a time to evaluate the student’s progress, instructional
needs, placement in the least restrictive environment, and long term goals. The scope and nature of the
reevaluation shall be determined individually, based upon the student's performance, behavior, needs,
and history. The reevaluation will be determined at an assessment planning meeting.
Assessment Requirements for Re-evaluation
The reevaluation process begins with a review of existing data, including a thorough
review of previous evaluations, information provided by the current classroom teacher,
observations, reports from service providers (including related service providers), and
information provided by the parents. Not all of the assessments required for an initial
eligibility determination need to be re-administered at the time of reevaluation as long as
the CSC can document information about the student’s performance through other means. Examples of
documentation include quarterly progress reports and report card grades, classroom performance
including chapter and end-of-unit tests, scores on system-wide assessments and mastery of IEP goals
(and objectives).
To determine which areas require assessment, the CSC should conduct a thorough review of previous
assessments and consider ongoing informal and formal assessments over the last three years or from
the last eligibility determination. Data on the student’s progress toward mastery of goals (and
objectives) from year to year can be an indicator to assist the CSC in determining whether the student
would continue to require services. Consideration should also be given to the frequency and intensity of
accommodations, modifications and specialized instruction that have been provided for progress in the
general education curriculum. When addressing reevaluation, the CSC considers whether the student
continues to have a disability that adversely impacts educational performance. Depending upon the
type of disability, the CSC would determine if specific pieces of data would be required to answer each
of the following questions:
Does the student’s present levels of academic achievement and functional performance and
educational need(s) document the need for continued services?
What additions or modifications to the special education and related services program are
needed to enable the student to meet IEP annual goals and to participate, as appropriate, in the
general education curriculum? Does the student continue to be “a student with a disability”?
Does the student continue to require special education and related services?
If the CSC determines there is a need for additional data to answer the above questions, then an
assessment plan is developed and parent permission to conduct the evaluation is obtained. The school
is to make every effort to obtain parental consent to complete the evaluation. However, if the parent
does not provide consent or fails to respond to a request for consent for a reevaluation, and the school
can demonstrate through documentation its reasonable efforts to obtain parental consent, the school
can notify the parent via PWN that DoDEA is moving forward with the reevaluation.