DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 72

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Watch the video below to see how innovative teacher Vicki Davis leverages wikis,
blogs, digital storytelling, podcasts, virtual worlds, and other digital tools to connect
students to the global world.
Source: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts uploaded o
by Edutopia
Purposefully select curriculum technology tools that engage and empower the
student in the content to be learned. Such curriculum technology tools might be:
Digital textbooks for reading, analyzing content
Internet resources for research
Teacher designed websites for information, assignments, posting, responding,
sharing content
Blogs and wikis to share and respond to ideas around the world
Tablets, laptops, cell phones for engaging in content
The tools of technology enable teachers to design and facilitate instruction that is
engaging, responsive, inclusive, and collaborative. As a result, students are involved in
real world connections beyond the walls of the classroom, apply 21st Century Learner
Outcomes to their work, and have access to instruction tailored to their individual
learning style. In the video, you will see a seventh grade student’s perspective of her
own personal learning environment. It demonstrates real world learning that is personal,
authentic, and engaging using 21st Century Teaching and Learning practices.
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