DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 71

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Integrating technology with classroom practice can be a great way to strengthen
engagement by linking students to a global audience, turning them into creators of
digital media, and helping them practice collaboration skills that will prepare them for
the future. Click the
to read a short introductory article.
Source: An Introduction to Technology Integration uploaded on
by Edutopia
Technology Integration Strategies
With the appropriate integration
of technology with curriculum,
students will have access to
broad a range and depth of
content and resources that are
relevant and engaging. A digital
environment provides and
organizational structure for
efficient access to current
information from multiple
locations. This flexibility will help to
meet the needs of each learner
and the content being studied,
foster ownership in the process of learning, and increase critical thinking skills as well as
the 21st Century Learner Outcomes.
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