21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
pattern, traffic flow, air flowing over a wing. Models are created from a mass of data,
equations and computations that mimic the actions of things or variables represented.
Models usually include a graphical display that translates all this number crunching into
an animation that you can see on a computer screen or by means of some other visual
device. Models can be simple images of things—the outer shell, so to speak—or they
can be complex, carrying all the characteristics of the object or process (variables)
they represent. A complex model will simulate the actions and reactions of the real
thing. To make these models behave the way they would in real life, accurate and real-
time simulations require fast computers with lots of number crunching power.
Additional Resources for Educators
- includes video episodes that demonstrate
the amazing research that is everyday work at DoD labs. We are in the process of
aligning the videos to science lessons for classroom use. *DVR/CD sets of these videos
are available upon request.
- sponsored by the U.S. Army and managed by the Research,
Development and Engineering Command, the competition is designed to share the
importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education
with the leaders of tomorrow and encourage them to understand the real-life
applications of these subjects. The competition is open to all states, territories, and
DoDEA, which is considered as a state for this competition.
– sponsored by the Armed Forces the
program is designed to encourage and recognize the next generation of scientific
talent. Sponsors include the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition,
Logistics & Technology), the Office of Naval Research, and the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research, in cooperation with higher education.
- sponsored by the Department of Defense is an
innovative program involving students using cutting-edge technology to create videos
about math problems and their associated concepts. The Real Math Challenge allows
students to hone creativity and communication skills in a math setting. These skills are
not typically the focus of most traditional math classroom activities, yet they are
essential for success in future STEM careers.
- the purpose of the contest is to provide middle
school and high school students with a realistic, engaging introduction to engineering.
encourages high school students, 16+ years
of age, to pursue careers in math, science and technology through hands-on
experience in research and development. REAP apprentices are high-school age
students selected for their interest in science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM). Special consideration is given to under-represented groups. REAP