Refer back to the fictional web page you were creating about dirt bikes. You have been introduced to the HTML elements necessary to create an absolute reference hyperlink, so let's see them in action.
Let's See it in Action: Creating an Absolute Reference Link
Take a look at the mash-up screenshot below. Pay particular attention to the <a></a> tags, the href="" attribute included in the opening <a> tag, and the text listed between the tags.
Upon review of the mash-up, there are some important things to note; particularly:
The <a></a> tags are listed in the body of the web page between the <body></body> tags.
The href="" attribute is listed in the opening <a> tag.
The href="" attribute includes the entire URL for the Yamaha Motor web page
The text listed between the opening <a> tag and the closing </a> tag, “I love Yamaha”, is made a link in the web browser.
Watch the video below to see an absolute reference link in action.