Section Objectives
After you have completed this section, you will be able to:
- Identify the key events of the stock market crash of 1929 and how they affected society.
- Describe life during the Great Depression.
- Explain the philosophical differences of the candidates running for president in 1932.
- Describe the role of government under FDR’s New Deal.
- Identify key dates and the contributions of key people during Depression Era America.
- Define the following terms:
- Dow Jones Industrial Average
- Black Tuesday
- Great Crash
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff
- Gross National Product
- Great Depression
- Dust Bowl
- Hoovervilles
- Bonus Army
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Farm Services Administration
- New Deal
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- National Labor Relations Act
- Social Security Act
- Federal Court-Packing Bill
- Policies Board
- National War Labor Board