Listening Practice
Listen to each recording and decide which choice is the most correct for when the activities took place or are going to take place. Mark your answer with an X. Practice as many times as are needed to master the vocabulary in this activity. Click the answer (こたえOr 答え) button at the end to see if you have answered them correctly.
きのう(昨日) | あした(明日) | X |
らいしゅう(来週) | X |
せんしゅう(先週) | |
あさって(明後日) | きのう(昨日) | X |
らいしゅう(来週) | せんしゅう(先週) | X |
きのう(昨日) | X |
あした(明日) | |
おととい(一昨日) | X |
あさって(明後日) | |
きょねん(去年) | らいねん(来年) | X |
らいげつ (来月) | せんげつ(先月) | X |
Incorrect Sentences
All of these sentences are incorrect because the information given for “when” does not match the grammatical patterns used in the sentences. Modify them so that they are correct. When you are done, click on the underlined sentences to see the correct answers.
明日サッカーをしました. | 昨日サッカーをしました。 |
きょねんサーカスに行きます。 | 去年サーカスに行きました。 |
昨日試験をします. | 明日試験をします。 |
おとといオペラに行きます. | 一昨日オペラに行きました。 |
あさってべんきょうしました。 | 明後日勉強します。 |
らいげつりょこうしました。 | 来月旅行します。 |
きのうレストランに食べに行きます。 | 昨日レストランに食べに行きました。 |
Using the vocabulary images and words that you see below, write a sentence including a TIME WORD from the practice in this section (day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after yesterday, and so on) in Japanese. Use a DIFFERENT TIME WORD in EACH item (don’t repeat any of them). Be creative and use vocabulary from this section, and be sure to identify each food or drink item correctly based on what it represents in Japanese cuisine (based on previous vocabulary in this unit).
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section1, Part E.