Bento べんとう(弁当) is the Japanese version of a packed lunch (referred to in English as a “boxed lunch”. It is usually taken to work or school by adults and schoolchildren as a convenient and nutritious meal. Traditionally, it is a meal divided into two parts: one half of the box will be filled with rice, and the other half will be filled with a variety of accompanying foods, such as vegetables, fish, eggs, or meat. In modern times, many different kinds of foods are included in the “bento box” and they are usually visually very attractive and sometimes even decorated.
Typical Foods
Foods that are traditionally eaten in a specific region or prefecture in Japan are called だいひょうてきなりょうり(代表的な料理). In English we would probably call these “regional specialties.” Traditional Japanese foods overall (from all over Japan) are called わしょく(和食). Foods that are associated with western (American & European) food (or foreign foods in general) are called ようしょく(洋食).
Practice saying whether you like, love or dislike the following types of foods.
おすしが だいすきです。(御寿司が 大好きです。) |
すきやきが、ちょっとすきです。(鋤焼きが ちょっと好きです。 |
てんぷらが すきです。(天麩羅が 好きです。) |
プリンも すきです。(プリンも 好きです。) |
まめが すきです。(豆が 好きです。) |
Practice to become more familiar with the concepts in this unit. Repeat and study this new vocabulary.
Click Vocabulary Practice or click Begin below.
Graded Assignments
Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section1, Part B.