Consequences of Intoxication

Alcohol Poisoning
With prolonged drinking, high blood alcohol content can result in alcohol poisoning, which is deadly. This is why binge drinking and drinking games are so dangerous. Alcohol affects the nerves that control respiration and gag reflexes. After the initial drink, the respiration rate increases, but it slows as the person continues to drink. As the body tries to purge itself of the alcohol through vomiting, the aspiration of the vomit can result in death.
Drunk Driving

Drivers who have consumed alcohol are much more likely to be involved in motor vehicle accidents compared to drivers who are sober. In fact, alcohol is a factor in nearly 33% of all fatal crashes involving young people, and alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among people 15 to 24 years of age. People who are stopped by police for drunk driving face severe criminal charges, including jail time and loss of their driver's license.
Violence and Sexual Activity
Teens who drink are more likely to be victims of violent crimes such as rape, robbery, and assault. They are also more likely to get involved in violent fights. Alcohol also impairs judgment and compromises moral standards; therefore, teens who abuse alcohol are more likely to be sexually active at an earlier age or to engage in unsafe sex.