You are at a party and everyone's drinking beer and smoking marijuana. You look around, and many people are smoking cigarettes. They look confident and happy. They look like they belong. You know that smoking causes cancer and emphysema, and that drugs are illegal and potentially dangerous. You know you are too young to drink legally. You've heard stories of what people do when under the influence of drugs and alcohol. You want to be cool, so you have to make a decision: do you stick with your values of safety and health, or do you choose to fit in and use drugs?
This unit is about creating awareness of the risks involved with using drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, so that you can make a healthy and informed decision when faced with situations such as the one above. Remember: when used legally, responsibly, and as prescribed, drugs can improve our lives. Responsible adults can enjoy alcohol reasonably, but when abused, these products can have devastating effects on the lives of individuals and families.