Alcohol Awareness: Introduction

Alcohol is a powerful depressant drug found in beer, wine, and liquors, such as whiskey and vodka, that decreases the nervous system's activity. Alcohol affects a person's motor skills by slowing reaction time and impairing vision.
Intoxication is when the amount of alcohol consumed exceeds the body's tolerance, and physical and mental control is significantly reduced. When a person is intoxicated (drunk), physical coordination is impaired, speech becomes slurred, and reaction time lengthens. Inhibitions are reduced and judgment is impaired, resulting in inappropriate or "out of control" social behavior. The person drinking may become moody, depressed, or violent, and the individual may have difficulty remembering the events that occurred while under the influence of alcohol.
This is the point at which many people make dangerous decisions, such as driving drunk.

- Peer pressure: It is normal for teens to want to feel accepted. People who hang out with friends who are alcohol-free are more likely to be alcohol-free.
- Family: Parents who discourage alcohol use and abuse are more likely to have teens who do the same.
- Media: Advertising makes alcohol use look exciting and attractive. Teens who recognize these messages are more likely to resist them.