Constitutional Foundations: Modern Federalism

exam Constitutional Foundations Unit Exam 300 points

Congratulations on completing this module! In this module you learned about:

  • Theories and styles of democratic government.
  • Sources of American political culture.
  • Experiences, philosophies and ideologies that influenced the formulation and adoption of the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
  • The major principles of American democracy developed in the Constitution and their justification.
  • The motives of the framers of the Constitution.
  • The constitutional basis of Federalism.
  • The causes and impact of changes in American Federalism since the writing of the Constitution.
  • The expansion of national power and assess success of moves to reverse this expansion.
  • The implications of Federalism as a foundation of American government.

Now it’s time to take the module test. Please make sure to check your understanding of the topics above before proceeding to the test.

  • Part A requires you to answer 60 multiple choice questions in 45 minutes.
  • Part B requires you to answer a Free Response Question (FRQ) in 25 minutes.

End of Unit