Mental and Emotional Health: Understanding and Developing Identity

think and clickThink and Click: Developing Self-Esteem

Woman lying in the snow making a snow angel

An important part of developing your personal identity is developing self-esteem. Self-esteem is the belief that you are a valuable and unique human being who has something positive to offer the world. In order to develop self-esteem, you will need to develop the ability to see daily events realistically. It takes awareness and practice, but once you develop skills that create a more positive outlook, it gets easier and easier to feel increasingly good about yourself. Click on the strategies below to find out more ways to develop your self-esteem.

Think and Click Be realistic

Realize that your problem isn’t who you are, it’s some behavior you have learned to protect your physical and emotional well being.

Think and Click Take responsibility

You will build self-esteem by accepting responsibility for your own behaviors and choices, and by making changes about those behaviors that are in line with your values.

Think and Click Think and talk positively, especially to yourself (Positive self-talk)

Try to become aware of daily self-criticizing. Try to turn those critical statements into constructive, “can-do” statements. Also, the more positively you think of and speak to others, the better you will treat yourself.

Think and Click Pay attention to media’s hidden messages

The media has one goal: to sell things. They want to make you feel bad about yourself so you will buy what they are selling. Don’t fall for it.

Think and Click Ignore other critics

When you hear a critical remark, ask yourself, "What does this person really know about me?” It’s unlikely that the criticism is based on an accurate perception of you. If you know it has nothing to do with you, don’t give it attention; it’s not worth your valuable time.