DoDEA's 21st Century Strands and Strategies eBook - page 53

21st Century Strands & Strategies
Chapter: Strands & Strategies: Deep Dive
Theme Based
Theme Based Units (the multidisciplinary sub-strategy that requires the
highest level of integration): Teachers plan collaboratively for a multi-
disciplinary unit. Three or more subject areas are involved in the study,
and the unit ends with an integrated culminating activity.
Theme based units are a vehicle for teaching a range of skills and
content by integrating curriculum areas around a topic (real-world
This method of teaching links curriculum strands and capitalizes on
children’s interests, creating a sense of purpose and community in the
classroom. By building on their interests and life experiences, young
people’s attitudes, skills and knowledge are developed in meaningful
ways. Inquiry and communication are activated by a desire to know
more, resulting in enthusiastic participation in the learning process
(The Intermediate Program Policy Grades 4 to 10, December 1993,
Province of British Columbia).
Looks Like
Students work collaboratively. They are engaged both as presenters
and as the audience for performance task presentations. They use a
wide range of presentation products, such as video, debate,
sculpture, and so on. Students demonstrate depth of understanding
of topics as a result of their sustained interest around various questions
(e.g., Are the Olympics relevant today? Does the Olympic creed
stand the test of time?).
Exploring a Local Ecosystem from Multiple Perspectives – In this
example, students explore the Panda’s Pond from the different
disciplinary lenses of science (earth sciences, biology, chemistry, and
physics), English (genre readings, analyses, and communication skills),
and math (data analysis tools and techniques). The teacher connects
the activities to the standards in each discipline. The teacher
develops culminating activities that engage students and promotes
the development of 21st Century Skills.
Click the link to read,
from the Gary and Jerri-Ann Jacobs High Tech High
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