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GĔĆđ #1, SęėĆęĊČĞ #2—6+1 WėĎęĎēČ TėĆĎęĘ
Department: World Languages
Course: Japanese
Unit 3 Grammar Notes (Pastimes) General Assignment Instructions:
Outline to Complete Grammar Notes
Fill in your grammar notes based on the Outline of the Unit provided in this ϐile. Do NOT delete any‐
thing in this outline, just ϐill in your “notes” as you go and save the ϐile as you add material to it. Make sure you
provide at least something on each topic in each Part of each Section, and make these “notes” work for YOU by
providing enough information, including examples, to thoroughly cover the grammar (and some vocabulary/
expressions as needed). I never expect everyone’s notes to be the same, and you should focus on those things
you have the most problems with (that you need the most review on) but you MUST include something for each
item, so be creative with what will help YOU the most on each item. Also keep in mind that if you are doing very
well on exams, then I don’t expect as much detail in your notes, but if you are not doing very well on exams, I ex‐
pect more from you on this assignment since you clearly need the review! You will be doing notes all year on eve‐
ry unit, so work now to develop a system that helps you learn and review, and don’t focus on just earning the as‐
signment grade.
Remember that you will use these notes to review for the Unit 3 Exam, but you will also be able to use them for
review for the semester/end‐of‐year exams too. The notes will only help you if you put the proper effort into cre‐
ating them! Please see samples of previous Grammar Notes (for style ideas) in the Resources Tab, and in the pre‐
vious unit materials.
This assignment is worth 40 points and is due by Wed Dec 18.
The Outline begins on the next page.
This Outline only contains the “shell” of Section and Parts in the Unit this time. It is up to you to identify all
the topics covered in each this time.
Click the thumb‐
nail image above
to open the PDF
of the rubric and