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DVHS Continuous School Improvement
Reading for Essential
commenting on the pages. This is analogous with
writing notes on hand outs, but is potentially
more powerful as you can link and index these.
– Subscription takes bookmarking in
its various forms and simplistic reading one level
further. The act of subscription by itself does not
show or develop understanding but often the
process of reading and revisiting the subscribed‐
to feeds leads to greater understanding.
The digital additions and their explanations are as
Running and operating
– This is the action of
initiating a program or operating and
manipulating hardware and applications to obtain
a basic goal or objective.
– The increasing emergence of games as a
mode of education leads to the inclusion of this
term in the list. Students who successfully play or
operate a game are showing understanding of
process and task and application of skills.
Uploading and Sharing
‐ uploading materials to
websites and the sharing of materials via sites like
Flickr etc. This is a simple form of collaboration, a
higher order thinking skill.
– hacking in its simpler forms is applying
a simple set of rules to achieve a goal or objective.
– With most media, editing is a process or
a procedure that the editor employs.
The digital additions and their explanations are as
Mashing – mash ups are the integration of several
data sources into a single resource. Mashing data
currently is a complex process but as more
options and sites evolve this will become an
increasingly easy and accessible means of
Linking – this is establishing and building links
within and outside of documents and web pages.
Reverse‐engineering – this is analogous with
deconstruction. It is also related to cracking often
without the negative implications associated with
Cracking – cracking requires the cracker to
understand and operate the application or system
being cracked, analyze its strengths and
weaknesses and then exploit these.
Validating – With the wealth of information
available to students combined with the lack of
authentication of data, students of today and
tomorrow must be able to validate the veracity of
their information sources. To do this they must be
able to analyze the data sources and make
judgments based on these.
Key Terms - Understanding:
Interpreting, Summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing,
classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying,
Advanced searching, Boolean searching, blog
journaling, twittering, categorizing and tagging,
commenting, annotating, subscribing.
Key Terms - Applying:
Implementing, carrying out, using, executing, run-
ning, loading, playing, operating, hacking, uploading,
sharing, editing.
Updated 12/01/17