Section 1: Hyperlink Tips

Creating Meaningful Text Links

Be sure to use meaningful text as the text for your links. If you had the text “Pink Ponies on Parade” listed between the <a></a> tag created for your Yamaha Motor link, your visitors would be a little confused when the link went to the Yamaha Motor web site.

Avoiding Broken Links

When creating absolute reference links in a webpage there cannot be any errors in the URL listed in the href="" attribute. For instance, if you added the code listed in the image below (where Yamaha is misspelled as yamha), your link to the Yamaha Motor web site would not work. Instead, you would either get a broken link, 404, error or be sent to an unintended page.

Broken Yamaha Motor link

A useful tip for ensuring the correct URL is listed in your absolute reference link is to first navigate to the page you want to link to, copy the entire URL listed in the web browser address bar, and then paste the URL between the quotation marks " " of the href="" attribute.