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Improve Writing Skills


S t e p s t o W r i t i n g a

C omp e t e n t S umma r y


Carefully read the selection.


Reread the text and mark

information that is relevant to

the reading purpose.


Pause to connect ideas within

the text.


Make a list of the most

important information in the

paragraph or section. Leave

out nonessential descriptions

and other supporting details.


Try to write one sentence that

includes all of the relevant

information in the paragraph.

If the paragraph is long, you

may need to write two


C o n s i d e r t h e F o l l o w i n g

w h e n W r i t i n g a S umma r y


Use your own words, except

for important content words.


Do not include your own ideas

or comments, such as “I



Do not repeat ideas or change

the author’s meaning.

Wh e n s umma r i z i n g t h e

w h o l e t e x t …


Copy your summary sentences

into a paragraph and use

transitional language in order

to logically create

relationships between ideas.


Read your paragraph. Check to

be sure that you have included

enough information so that

someone who has not read the

selection would understand

the main points. Your

summary should not be more

than one‐fourth to one‐third

the length of the original



AVID, A dvancement V ia I ndividual D etermination , is a global nonproϐit

organization that focuses on

research, teaching practices, and

methods to improve students

college readiness and to increase

schoolwide learning and

performance fromelementary

through higher education. The


method offered

here was created by AVID.



Seek to understand your

reading and writing tasks.

Establish a purpose for reading to

help narrow your focus as you

make decisions about what you

should include in a summary.

The steps below describe how a

reader should summarize an

expository text

. When we

summarizing purely informational

texts, we want to account for the

main ideas. Because informational

texts can be content heavy, we

need to read them carefully to

identify the most important

content since some information is

not important. Follow the steps

below to summarize this type of

reading and writing assignment.

Step 1:

Seek to understand the

reading and writing tasks.

What are you expected to know

and do? What are you


Step 2:

Carefully read the text.

Read the text once to get a

general idea of what the text is


Step 3:

Reread and mark the

text. Circle terms and underline

information relevant to the

reading and writing tasks.

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DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)