Reading for Essential
– Whether it is creating their own
applications, programming macros or developing
games or multimedia applications students are
routinely creating their own programs to suit
their needs and goals.
Filming, animating, videocasting, podcasting,
mixing and remixing
– these relate to the
increasing availability of multimedia and
multimedia editing tools. Students frequently
capture, create, mix and remix content to
produce unique products.
Directing and producing
– to direct or produce a
product, performance or production is a highly
creative process. It requires the student to have
vision, and understand the components to meld
these into a coherent product.
– whether via the web or from home
computers, publishing in text, media or digital
formats is increasing. Again this requires a huge
overview of not only the content being published,
but the process and product. Related to this
concept are also Video blogging – the production
of video blogs, blogging and also wiki-ing -
creating, adding to and modify content in wikis.
Creating or building Mash ups would also fit here.
Churches, A. 2009, Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Churches, A. 2007, Educational Origami, Bloom's and ICT ToolsAnderson, L.W., and D. Krathwohl (Eds.) (2001). A Taxonomy for
Learning, Teaching and Assessing: a Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy
of Educational Objectives. Longman, New York.
Acknowledgements: For assistance, discussion and often
punctuation: Miguel Guhlin, Sheryl Nussbaum- Beach, Alan
Knightbridge, Sue Cattell, Raewyn Casey, Marg McLeod, Doug
DeKock Email:
Andrew ChurchesKey Terms - Creating:
designing, constructing, planning, producing, invent-
ing, devising, making, programming, filming, animat-
ing, Blogging, Video blogging, mixing, remixing, wiki-
ing, publishing, videocasting, podcasting, directing/
producing, creating or building mash ups
Strategy : HOTS
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)
Wavebreakmedia, iStock/thinkstock