Strategy: HOTS
Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy
Reading for Essential
– mash ups are the integration of several
data sources into a single resource. Mashing data
is a complex process but as more options and
sites evolve this will become an increasingly easy
and accessible means of analysis.
– this is establishing and building links
within and outside of documents and web pages.
– this is analogous with
It is also related to cracking often
without the negative implications.
– cracking requires the cracker to
understand and operate the application or system
being cracked, analyze its strengths and
weaknesses and then exploit these.
– With the wealth of information
available today along with the lack of
authentication of data, you must be able to
validate the accuracy of information sources. To
do this you must be able to analyze the data
sources and make judgments based on these.
– This is organizing, structuring and
attributing online data, meta-tagging web
pages. You need to understand and analyze the
content of the pages to be able to tag it.
Blog/vlog commenting and reflecting
Constructive criticism and reflective practice are
often facilitated by the use of blogs and video
blogs. Students commenting and replying to
postings evaluate material in context and reply.
– posting comments to blogs, discussion
boards, threaded discussions. These are common
elements of students' daily practice. Good
postings are not simple one-line answers but
rather are structured and constructed to evaluate
the topic or concept.
– This is high level evaluation; the
moderator must be able to evaluate a posting or
comment from a variety of perspectives, assessing
its worth, value and appropriateness.
Collaborating and networking
– Communication
and collaboration leading to collective intelligence
is a key aspect. Effective collaboration involves
evaluating the strengths and abilities of the
participants and evaluating the contribution they
make. Networking is a feature of collaboration,
contacting and communicating with relevant
person via a network of associates.
Testing (Alpha and Beta)
– Testing of
applications, processes and procedures is
a key in the development of any tool. To be an
effective tester you must have the ability to
analyze the purpose of the tool or process, what
its correct function should be and what its current
function is.
Key Terms - Analyzing:
Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, Attributing,
outlining, finding, structuring, integrating, Mashing,
linking, reverse-engineering, cracking, mind- mapping,
validating, tagging.
Key Terms - Evaluating:
Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting,
judging, testing, detecting, monitoring, (Blog/vlog)
commenting, reviewing, posting, moderating, collabo-
rating, networking, reflecting, (Alpha & beta) testing.
Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Map Retrieved from
http:// edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+-+Introductionunder Creative Commons 2.5
http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)