Vocabulary Practice Unit Vocabulary

You should have practiced the vocabulary many times so that by now you are becoming familiar with what the words mean in Japanese. If you have not, please do go back to the Unit Vocabulary to practice before you go on.

Listening suggestions Listening

In order to develop your skills in a second language to the fullest, you need lots of listening practice. If you are not taking advantage of the many resources available to practice Japanese you should be. Here are a few ideas.

  • Japanese language TV
  • Japanese language music (popular music singers whose CDs are readily available)
  • Internet radio in Japanese
  • Internet online newspapers from Japan (many have video presentations that will have listening practice on them)

As you progress in Japanese, you will want to be able to quickly understand what people are saying to you. One way to ensure this can happen is to give yourself as much listening practice as you can find. Ask your teacher for additional suggestions or specific resources.

key concept What does this body part do?

Watch the What does this body part do? presentation or click Begin to watch the presentation below.

Writing Practice  Writing Practice

Please practice writing phrases describing about what different body parts do. Click on each body part to see if your answer is correct.


Key Concept Indirect Object Marker に

I write a letter to my grandmother.

わたしは、そぼに てがみを かきます。
(私は、祖母に 手紙を 書きます。)

I give a present to my father. わたしは、ちちに プレゼントを あげます。
(私は、父に プレゼントを 上げます。)
I prepare examination for my students. わたしは、せいとに しけんを よういします。
(私は、生徒に試験を 用意します。)


Do you know what "そぼに," "ちちに," and "せいとに" are?  These are called indirect objects. Like the direct objects that we focused on previously, these also have the particle that that follows them. You see in the second column that the indirect object nouns are followed by the indirect object particle に.

Topic marker
Direct Object marker
Indirect Object marker


Do you remember how to pick out the indirect object in a sentence? The indirect object will answer the question "to whom?" or "for whom?" (Remember that the direct objects will answer the questions, "who?" or "what?")

Writing Practice More practice

What would you say the following? Click each link to see the correct answers.

Remember that when YOU (or your group) GIVES something to someone else, the verb is あげます(上げます).

If someone else gives to YOU (or your group) then the verb is くれます.

I give a book to my friends.
I give presents to my mother.
My friends gives me a present.
My friends talk to my father.
My younger brother writes a letter to my grandmother.
We talk to you
My elder sister gives flowers to my mother.


Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section 1, Part C.

Now go to Part D