Cultural ReferenceTraditional Japanese House でんとうてきなにほんのうち(伝統的な日本の家)

Traditional Japanese House

Traditional Japanese houses でんとうてきなにほんのうち(伝統的な日本の家) are constructed with wood. The floor is elevated to control the humidity coming from the ground. The floor is covered withたたみ (畳) mats.

When entering a Japanese house, you should take off your shoes at the entrance, called the げんかん (玄関) , and change into slippers which are usually provided by the host. Shoes are not worn in the house at all..

When entering a room with tatami floors, you are supposed to take off your slippers, since one should step onto tatami mats only in socks or bare feet

A traditional room, called a わしつ(和室)has an alcove called aとこのま (床の間), and flower arrangement called いけばな(生け花)or a scroll or a piece of pottery displayed. Decorations are minimal and they usually reflect seasonal changes.

Image: Pixabay, CC0

The rooms are divided by sliding doors called ふすま (襖) or sliding paper screens called しょうじ (障子) which can be removed. The room can function as a living room, a dining room, a bedroom, or a study depending on furniture (desk つくえ(机), pillows ざぶとん (座布団), a chest of drawersたんす(箪笥), futonふとん(布団), etc.).

Traditional Japanese House sliding doors
Image: Pixabay, CC0
Repeating Practice! Listening Practice

Click the Play button to listen to each recording and decide which one of indicated answers is correct. Write this table in your notebook and after you have finished this activity, click on “こたえ” to see the correct response.

でんきを つけます。(電気を 点けます。) でんきを けします。(電気を 消します。).
テレビを つけます。(テレビを 点けます。) テレビを けします。(テレビを 消します。)
せんぷうきを つけます。(扇風機を 点けます。) せんぷうきを けします。(扇風機を けします。)
もうふが いります。(毛布が 要ります。) まくらが いります。(枕が 要ります。)
れいぞうこに あります。(冷蔵庫に あります。) オーブンに あります。
おてあらいを つかいます。(御手洗いを 使います。) おふろを つかいます。(お風呂を 使います。)
Click to see the correct response: こたえ

Graded Assignment Graded Assignments

Please return to the Section 1 Tasks & Assignments folder to complete the graded assignments for Section1, Part F.


Now go to Section 2, Part A