In the Beginning: Sinners and Saints

self checkSelf Check: To the Point, Part 1

Now, you try Detective Spade's methods. Complete the self check activity by reading the passages below, answering the questions in the text boxes that follow, and clicking on the "Answer" button to review the explanations.


"There are great plenty of Oysters all along by the sea side, as far as I Rode in the Colony, and those very good. And they Generally lived very well and comfortably in their families. But too Indulgent (especially ye farmers) to their slaves: suffering too great familiarity from them, permitting them to sit at Table and eat with them, (as they say to save time,) and into the dish goes the black hoof as freely as the white hand. They told me that there was a farmer lived near the Town where I lodged who had some difference With his slave, concerning something the master had promised him and did not punctually perform; which caused some hard words between them; But at length they put the matter to Arbitration and Bound themselves to stand to the award of such as they named–which done, the Arbitrators Having heard the Allegations of both parties, Order the master to pay 40' to black face, and acknowledge his fault. And so the matter ended: the poor master very honestly standing to the award."

(Journal of Madam Knight. An Electronic Edition. Sarah Kemble Knight 1666-1727. Original Source: Sarah Kemble Knight, "The Journal of Madam Knight." The Puritans. Ed. Perry Miller and Thomas H. Johnson. New York: American Book Company, 1938.)

Describe the audience, purpose, perspective, and tone of the passage. Justify your analysis.

reveal answer

Summarize the passage in your own words.

reveal answer

Paraphrase the line "But too Indulgent (especially ye farmers) to their slaves: suffering too great familiarity from them, permitting them to sit at Table and eat with them, (as they say to save time,) and into the dish goes the black hoof as freely as the white hand."

reveal answer

What graphic organizer would be the best choice for deconstructing the passage? Why?

reveal answer

What is the main idea of the passage?

reveal answer