Physical activity & Nutrition | Module 5 -Developing Good Habits | Lesson 1 - Stress Management |


Stress Management: Introduction


The causes of stress can include any event or occurrence that a person considers a threat to his or her coping strategies or resources. Researchers generally agree that a certain degree of stress is a normal part of a living organism’s response to the inevitable changes in its physical or social environment, and that positive, as well as negative, events can generate stress. Stress in humans results from interactions between persons and their environment that are perceived as straining or exceeding their adaptive capacities and threatening their wellbeing.


  • PANPESK1: Participate fully and communicate cooperatively with others.
  • PANPESK9: self-initiate behaviors that contribute to personal and partner/group effort
  • PANPESK10: adjust behavior to prevent/reconcile conflicts
  • PANPE2a: identify the health, wellness and fitness benefits of selected alternative physical activity
  • PANPE1a: Plan and implement a personal / group physical activity learning project, focusing on an alternative to traditional sports
  • PANPE1b: Demonstrate knowledge and movement skill readiness in an activity that is an alternative to traditional sports
  • PANPE1d: Self-assess performance of alternative physical activity skills and evaluate and adjust alternative physical activity learning plan


At the end of this lesson, you will:

  • Define stress
  • Identify the common causes of stress
  • Describe the effects of stress on the body
  • Identify effective ways to reduce stress  

Guiding Questions

  • How does stress affect overall Fitness & Health?
  • What are ways to cope with stress?

Activating Prior Knowledge

In today's society, most of us can't avoid stress. But we can learn to behave in ways that lessen its effects.  

Now that you have an overview of the lesson, select the Lesson link in the navigation to begin.

Photo Attribution
Description: Stress
Source: Shutterstock