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Despite what many people may think, it is impossible to get any more

hours out of one day than 24. That is it. That is all we have, 24 hours in

one day. One thing is for sure, the sun rises, and the sun sets. "Tempus

Fugit" – that is Latin for “time ϐlies”.

Managing your time, or making the time you have allotted for your

studies work for you, is very important. Have you ever heard the

expression “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”? What this

expression is telling us is this, that you do not have to do your

schoolwork round the clock. It is okay to have fun and free time. Free time and fun are actually healthy

for you. Your success in your education can many times be measured by how well you balance your

learning time with some 'down' time. Learning how to successfully manage your time now will not only

help you while you are in school, but it will also help you later in your personal and professional life.

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GODS_AND_KINGS, iStock/thinkstock

IvelinRadkov, iStock/thinkstock

Let us look at a few time management techniques.

Budget your time:

No one expects you to work all the time! As you schedule your

time answer the following questions: When are you the most

productive? How much sleep do you need? When are your sur‐

roundings the quietest? When are your friends around? When do

you participate in other activities like sports, scouts, religious

activities, etc.?

Use a calendar or day planner:

A calendar or day planner can help you organize your courses

and the assignments within those courses. You can list what hour

(s) you will be studying which course and important dates for

those courses, for example, when written assignments or tests

are due or to be taken.

Take study break


If you know that you begin to lose interest in what you are doing

after say, 20 minutes, take a short break. Stand up, move around,

pet the dog, get a drink, and then come back to the subject you

just put down. Review what you have read, think about the main

points of the reading, and move on.

Set goals for completing your schoolwork:

Setting goals for completing your schoolwork goes hand in hand

with time management. You need a daily plan and while also

looking at the "big picture." This involves actually deciding when

you will complete your assignments in each course. Your teacher

will provide you with a list of assignment due dates, use that list

to plan your work schedule.

grapestock, iStock/thinkstock

eenevski, iStock/thinkstock

A. Liokouras, iStock/thinkstock

DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)