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Reading for Essential


Review the digital learning tools and skills

listed below to help you with ways to improve

your online learning experience.


Remembering relies on the ability to retrieve

material. This is a key skill especially with the

expansion of knowledge and information.

Bullet pointing

– This is analogous to making a list

but in a digital format.



– is a technique for recall. Most

software programs/productivity suites provide

methods to choose and highlight key words and



Bookmarking or favorite‐ing

– this option

allows you to bookmark and organize websites,

resources and ϐiles for later use.


Social networking

– this is where people develop

networks of friends and associates. Networking

forges and creates links between different people.

Like social bookmarks (see below) a social

network can form a key element of collaborating

and networking.


Social bookmarking

– this is an online version of

local bookmarking or favorites. It is more

advanced because you can draw on others'

bookmarks and tags. While higher order thinking

skills like




, can and do

make use of these skills, this is its simplest form ‐

a simple list of sites saved to an online format

rather than locally to the machine.


Searching or "Googling"

‐ Search engines are

now key elements of students' research. It is as

simple as just entering a key word or phrase into

a the search engine. This skill does not reϐine the

search beyond the key word or term.



Advanced and Boolean Searching

– This is a

more advanced method of searching requiring a

greater depth of understanding to be able to

create, modify and reϐine searches to suit the

search needs.


Blog Journaling

– This is the use of a blog, where

a student simply "talks" "writes" or "types" in a

daily‐ or task‐speciϐic journal. This level of use

demonstrates a basic level of understanding . The

blog can be used to develop higher level thinking

when used for discussion and collaboration.



– The Twitter site's question is "what

are you doing?" This can be a one or two word

answer, but when developed this is a tool can lend

itself to developing understanding and potentially

starting a collaboration.



– digital classiϐication ‐ organizing

and classifying ϐiles, web sites and materials using

folders etc.


Commenting and annotating

– a variety of tools

exist that allow the user to comment and annotate

on web pages, .pdf ϐiles and other documents. The

user develops understanding by commenting.

This is analogous with writing notes on hand outs,

but is potentially more powerful as you can link

and index these.

DoDEA Virtual High School (DVHS)

Key Terms - Remembering:

Recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving,

naming, locating, finding, Bullet pointing, highlight-

ing, bookmarking, social networking, Social book-

marking, favorite-ing/local bookmarking, Searching,
