Module 5: Marine Worms


Lesson 7: Phylum Echiurans: Spoon Worms

All of the echiurans are marine.  They look like unsegmented sausages buried in the mud or coral.  They are similar to peanut worms but have a non-retractable, spoon-like or forked proboscis.  They are also deposit feeders, using their proboscis to gather nutrients from the sea floor. 

The "Fat Innkeeper" is a echiuran that lives in a U-shaped burrow in the mud.  This worm is considered a delicacy in Korea, Japan and China and you may see them sold in the markets.

Echiura on a market in South Korea

Urechis caupo, about 20 cm long, in an artificial burrow in Monterey Bay Aquarium. The head is to the top right.


Source: Walla Walla University (Fair Use)