The links below are text versions of the information presented in this lesson. You may save or print each document. Each link will open in a new window.
To save the documents from this lesson to your local computer, please right click on each link below, select the option that reads, "Save Target As..." and then save it onto your local computer. You may need to refer to these documents at a later time. The documents below will open in a new window in a pdf format.
- Bacteria Lesson
- Diatoms Lesson
- Dinoflagellates Lesson
- Marine Algae Overview Lesson
- Nutrition of Algae Lesson
- Plankton Lesson: Biological Features, Marine Snow, and The Greenhouse Effect
- Websites for Further Investigation
Next, please click the menu item under Resources called Further Investigation to see a summary of the topics introduced in this module as well as web links for further investigation.
After you have clicked the menu item, Further Investigation, please minimize this window and go back to Blackboard. Click the classroom button on the left in the navigation menu in Blackboard. Open the folder called Module 4 Part 1: Simple Organisms, and then click the folder called, Your Tasks. Please complete each task using top-down navigation. In other words, complete the task beginning with the first one in the list.
Photo Attribution
Description: Chromodoris magnifica
Photographer: Stephen Child's Photostream
Source: Flickr