Music Time Periods: Classical Era

Classical Era:continued

Napolen, French Revolution, Signing the declaration of independence

During the Classical Era, Europe experienced much social change, as well as many armed conflicts and wars.  The bloody French Revolution exposed many ills of French society and the inequality between the wealthy and working classes across Europe.  Napoleon’s wars impacted the European landscape during this time as well.  Across the Atlantic Ocean, a new country emerged as the American Revolution took place from 1775-1776. During the Colonial period, Americans made music using whatever instruments they had on hand, such as the violin, or fiddle, flute, recorder, drums, or guitar.  Many types of instruments were available in America during this time, including many brass instruments and woodwinds.  The piano and harpsichord were also seen in the homes of people who could afford them.  As with earlier eras, vocal music was popular among all styles of music. 

American music at this time consisted of theater music, such as Johann Pepusch’s The Beggar’s Opera, which used familiar folk tunes with new words along with spoken dialogue.  Also popular was dance music, church music such as hymns, military music such as that played by drum and fife, and African-American spirituals.  Not all American music was as formal during this time period as its European counterpart.


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