Section Three, Part A
Pont du Gard
The Pont du Gard is another trace of the Romans in Provence. This acqueduct was built about two thousand years ago to allow the aqueduct of Nîmes (which is almost 50 km long) to cross the Gard river and bring water to the city of Nïmes. The Roman architects and hydraulic engineers who designed this bridge, which stands almost 50 meters high and is on three levels – the longest measuring 275 meters – created a technical as well as an artistic masterpiece. The monument has been registered with UNESCO as a World Heritage of Man site since 1985.
Bienvenus à la section trois!
You are doing so well! You should be remembering to repeat French as much as you can when you hear French in the course and it is also imperative that you spend time outside of class studying French.
Before we get going very far, see how well you're doing on this Unit's
vocabulary. The following flash card activities will help you learn your
vocabulary. See if you know what each word or phrase means. Click on "Play"
to hear the words. Go on to a new word by click on "Next" in
the controls at the bottom.
Card Activity One
More about Reflexive verbs
We have learned about reflexives in affirmative and in negative sentences. Let's look at them in questions.
Est-ce que Robert se couche tôt ou tard? |
Robert se couche tard. |
Est-ce que tu te réveilles tôt ou tard? |
Je me réveille tôt. |
The reflexive pronoun will always come right before the verb if there is a single verb, as in the examples above.
Observe ces exemples. Look at these examples which are somewhat different cases, but not a new concept to us.
Est-ce que Robert veut se coucher tôt ou tard? |
Robert veut se coucher tard. |
Est-ce que tu as besoin de te réveiller tôt ou tard? |
J'ai besoin de me réveiller tôt. |
When we use two verbs, the pronoun needs to change to reflect the subject and the pronoun still comes in front of the reflexive verb.

Au travail!
Practice using two verbs with the reflexive pronouns. Answer the following questions. Click on the question to see if you are correct.
Avance jusqu'à la partie B.