Earth's Natural Resources: Mining

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journal Journal: Local Minerals

Take a look at just a few of the materials we mine out of the ground. Click each image to learn about how we use each material.

  • a diamond in the rough
  • gold nuggets
  • a piece of silver
  • train cars filled with coal
  • the mineral bauxite
  • a diamond in the rough
    This is a diamond as it looks "in the rough," or just after being dug out of the ground. Diamonds are used for jewelry and on blades needed to cut very hard substances.
  • gold nuggets
    Gold is used in jewelry, medical devices, electronics, and coins.
  • a piece of silver
    Silver is metal mined and processed to make currency, jewelry, electronics, dental materials, photography materials, mirrors, and ornamental objects.
  • train cars filled with coal
    Coal is mined out of the ground so it can be burned in electrical power plants to generate electricity.
  • the mineral bauxite
    The mineral, bauxite, is mined from various places all over the world and is an important source of aluminum.

What minerals are found in your area? Do some quick research to see if you can find out. You can do a keyword Internet search with the phase "minerals found in…" and add in whatever state you live in, such as "minerals found in Kentucky." Then find out what these minerals are used for—such as in electronics manufacturing or construction.

Please write your journal entry in theĀ Journal template. You will be prompted at the end of this unit to turn in all of your journal entries. In your journal, address the following:

  • What minerals are found in your state?
  • Name the specific towns or regions of your state in which they are found.
  • Explain how these minerals are used.