Journal: Dune Creation Lab Activity
You know that wind erosion can sandblast rocks as it flies through the air and creates deflation basins as it leaves a particular area, but where does that sand go? Gather the following materials and follow the procedures to discover what happens to sand as wind carries it from one place to another.
- 2 speed hair dryer
- 2 flat pans or 10" x 13" baking dishes
- Sand (enough to fill the bottom of the pans)
- Clumps of grass and small rocks
- In both pans, cover the bottom with about an inch of dry sand.
- In one of the two pans, place rocks and grass clumps in different areas in the sand.
- Turn the hair dryer on to its lowest speed and hold over the pan without the grass and rocks at a 45 degree angle at about 6 inches from the end of the pan for one minute. Record your observations in your journal.
- Repeat step 3 over the other pan. Record your observations.
- Repeat step 3 and 4 using the highest speed on the hair dryer and record your observations.
- Sketch a drawing of what your pans look like on the whiteboard below and insert into your journal. Use these instructions for guidance.
- Level the sand in both pans and repeat the above steps but holding the hair dryer for 3 minutes each time. Record and insert a drawing into your journal.
- Answer the questions in your journal template.
Please write your journal entry in the Journal template. You will be prompted at the end of this unit to turn in all of your journal entries.